A nation that refuses to repent
Jerusalem Refused to Repent
Jer 5:1 Run ye to and froH7751 through the streetsH2351 of Jerusalem,H3389 and seeH7200 now,H4994 and know,H3045 and seekH1245 in the broad placesH7339 thereof, ifH518 ye can findH4672 a man,H376 ifH518 there beH3426 any that executethH6213 judgment,H4941 that seekethH1245 the truth;H530 and I will pardonH5545 it.
Jer 5:2 And thoughH518 they say,H559 The LORDH3068 liveth;H2416 surelyH3651 they swearH7650 falsely.H8267
Jer 5:3 O LORD,H3068 are notH3808 thine eyesH5869 upon the truth?H530 thou hast strickenH5221 them, but they have notH3808 grieved;H2342 thou hast consumedH3615 them, but they have refusedH3985 to receiveH3947 correction:H4148 they have made their facesH6440 harderH2388 than a rock;H4480 H5553 they have refusedH3985 to return.H7725
Jer 5:4 Therefore IH589 said,H559 SurelyH389 theseH1992 are poor;H1800 they are foolish:H2973 forH3588 they knowH3045 notH3808 the wayH1870 of the LORD,H3068 nor the judgmentH4941 of their God.H430
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